Getting Started

Getting Started

What you should already know ?

  • SQL and vendor specific database scripting language (PL/SQL for Oracle etc)

  • HTML (Basic)

Sodium File Types

Form files

  • Form files must have frmx extension

  • Form files are actually HTML files with additional TAGs and attributes. TAGS and attributes having special meaning in Sodium are listed in TAGs page.

  • Form files must be well-formed and conform to HTML 5 standard. Otherwise, application will not work as expected

  • While editing, using an HTML editor is strongly advised (Eclipse, NetBeans, MS Visual Studio HTML editor, etc.)

  • These files must be UTF8 encoded

Code behind files (sqlx files)

  • SQLX files must have sqlx extension

  • These files are used to separate code with HTML

  • SQLX files are code behind files and consist of functions and global variables

  • Although Sodium language is very similar to C or JavaScript language, it is actually completely new language and has its own grammar rules. So please have a look at the related pages in this manual

  • These files must be UTF8 encoded

Controller files (controller.sqlx):

  • It is just an sqlx file with a special file name controller.sqlx

  • The difference between regular code behind and Controller file is that the later is loaded once for the first request. For more information, Controller File

Some additional notes on file types

  • For the current release of Sodium, all files must be in the same folder.

  • All Form files must have a code behind file (with the same name but sqlx extension). For example, if you have inventory.frmx file, you must have inventory.sqlx file in the same folder even if it is empty.

  • Sodium application can consist of more than one form file in order to implement the business logic but can only have one controller file.

  • Form file paths are relative to path of the SodiumServer.exe file. So, for the current release, it is advised to create a new sub folder for your application under the SodiumServer.exe file location.

  • Sodium projects must have controller file even if it is empty. Controller file must be in the same directory of the other forms/code behind files.

Last updated