Logical Operators

Logical operators test the truth value of a pair of operands.

  • The logical conjunction operator and tests if two expressions are both true. Even thought the first expression is false, the second expression will be evaluated.

if ((x == 5) and (y == 10)) then
    message("x is 5 and y is 10");
end if;
  • The logical disjunction operator or tests if at least one of two expressions it true. Even thought the first expression is true, the second expression will be evaluated.

if ((x == 5) or (y == 10)) then
   message("x is 5 or y is 10");
end if;
  • You can prepend a logical expression with a negation operator ! to flip the truth value. The logical expression must be between parenthesis.

if (!(x == 5)) then
    message("x is not 5");
end if;

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