Active Database Connection


  • Active Database Connection term is used to determine which database connection will be used if database connection name is not specified by developer in application source code.

  • Initially, Active Database Connection is NULL. After the first successful attempt to open a new database connection has been made, Active Database Connection points to that connection.

  • In some specific user functions, Active Database Connection is automatically redirected to the any one of the specific database connection.

    • For the trigger functions of a <datablock> element or an <input> element in a data block, Active Database Connection is automatically points to data block's connection.

  • Active Database Connection can be set by using set_active_database_connection in any user function. Sodium engine backups current active connection before execution of a user function begins. After execution of a user function ends, Sodium engines restores the original active connection setting back. Therefore, effects of set_active_database_connection call is valid only in the function which is currently being executed.

See also

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