Native SQL support

Functions in Code Behind File can contain SQL and/or PL/SQL statements. Sodium developers do not need to write additional code in order to run any SQL statement. And also, they do not need to define a string variable in order to construct SQL statement. All type of SQL and PL/SQL commands runs against "default" connection.


Select Statement

In the example below, usage of a single "select" statement / cursor is shown. Select statement is assigned a local variable rs1. With this assignment, all columns are easily accessible with the syntax

cursor_variable_name + "." + column_name

This example also shows how to use data or control block items value as a parameter in where clause. Before executing "select" command, Sodium engine replaces the block variable with its actual value.

void select_example() {
    char counter;
    char depname;
    depname = 'mebs';
    rs1 =   select *
            from deps
                dep_name = :depname;
    counter = 0;
    while (rs1) loop
        counter = counter + 1;
    end loop;
    message("total number of records :" || counter);

Insert Statement

In the example below, usage of a single "insert" statement is shown. In order to execute insert command, there is no additional coding needed. This example also shows how to use data or control block items value as a parameter in "values" clause and sequence. Before executing "insert" command, Sodium engine replaces the block variable with its actual value

void insert_example() {
    insert into hr.deps (DEP_ID, DEP_NAME)
            values (htsql_test.nextval, :depname);

Update Statement

In the example below, usage of a single "update" statement is shown. In order to execute update command, there is no additional coding needed. This example also shows how to use local variable as a parameter in "where" clause. Before executing "update" command, Sodium engine replaces the local value reference with its actual value.

void update_example() {
    char localVariable;
    localVariable = 'admin';
    update hr.deps
        dep_name = 'update test'r
        dep_name like '%'|| :localVariable || '%';

Delete Statement

In the example below, usage of a single "delete" statement is shown. In order to execute delete command, there is no additional coding needed. This example also shows how to use local variable as a parameter in "where" clause. Before executing "delete" command, Sodium engine replaces the local value reference with its actual value.

void delete_example() {
    char dep_name;
    dep_name = 'logistic';
        dep_name = :dep_name;

Database Script Execution

In the example below, usage of a PL/SQL block is shown. In order to execute PL/SQL block, there is no additional coding needed. Before executing PL/SQL block, Sodium engine replaces the local variable names with its actual value. This happens once for whole PL/SQL block. PL/SQL block is executed as anonymous "PL/SQL block" in database server. The content of the PL/SQL block (which is between "begin" and "end;" keywords) are not parsed by Sodium engine for syntax check.

void plsql_example() {
    char depname;
    depname = 'plsql test';
        insert into hr.deps (DEP_ID, DEP_NAME)
        values (htsql_test.nextval, :depname);

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