
run_sql_file function has 1 variants:


  1. run_sql_file function opens and execute all sql commands in the file sequentially.

  2. Each sql commands must end wih ';' character.

  3. If error occured during execution, the function execution is stopped immediately and

    database specific error message is returned.

  4. Database script file path is relative to the SodiumServer.Exe file.

  5. Database script file can contain DML or DDL statements but cannot contain begin and end block since Sodium executes each command separated by ';' character.


char run_sql_file(char filePath);


char filePath Sql script file full path.

Return Value

Returns error message if any error message occured.


void dual.htsql_demo_installation() {
        char ret = run_sql_file('htsql_demo_installation.sql');
        if (ret is not null) then
                message('Error occured : ' || ret);
                message('Sodium demo schema and objects has been created.');
        end if;

Last updated

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