"page_load" trigger


page_load trigger function is optional. if it is needed, must be in Code Behind File. For each Form File request, page_load trigger function has been executed once.

In page_load trigger function:

  • All Sodium elements defined in form file,

  • Functions and variables defined in code behind and controller file are available/accessible.


void page_load();


void page_load() {
        rsSchemaOwners =        select owner as label, owner as value
                                                from all_objects s
                                                group by  owner;
        populate_datalist('schemas', rsSchemaOwners);
        rsObjectTypes  =        select owner as schema_name, object_type as label, object_type as value
                                                from all_objects
                                                group by owner, object_type;
        populate_datalist('object_types', rsObjectTypes);

See also

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